Recurring Characters and Places


Wizard- my dog at my parents’ house. He is my best friend furever and is 12 and a half years old. I love him so much and don’t know what I’m going to do when he dies.

Warrior- my cat at my parents’ house. She’s neurotic, but she saw her brother get run over when she was a kitten and has had a lot of traumatic outside experiences. She does things how she wants, when she wants, and only if she wants to do them.

Citrus cat- my cat who lives with me. She was my sanity saver during the first big chunk of 2013. She loves to cuddle, loves food, and loves me. She even greets me at the door more often than not when I have driven somewhere and she hears my car pull into the driveway. I love her too.

My parents- my dad and my stepmom.

My momma- my mom.

My brother- one of my best friends. I don’t know where I’d be without him. A memory that just came to my mind was when he sent me flowers, a teddy bear, and chocolates after I got out of the psychiatric hospital since he was in the Navy and couldn’t be there.

Fellow Brony- my boyfriend and one of the sweetest guys I know. He attended the school that everyone thinks is underground and is the perfect gentleman. He treats me like a princess and came over 300 miles to take care of me when I got my wisdom teeth taken out over spring break.

Rave Queen- my best friend. Formerly known as the Almost Canadian. She is always there when I need someone to talk to. We lived together when I first moved to Junktown. She is a beautiful individual and I love her very much.

The Girl Who Wouldn’t- one of my best friends. Formerly known as Eastern Transplant (I believe I am remembering that correctly). She is quirky and is one of the few people I know who decided not to care what anyone else thought of her ever. I’m pretty sure she and her family are crazy, but it’s okay. She attends school in the Big City.

Phoenix- one of my oldest and best friends. We’ve known each other since we were three. She’s Mormon and married and has a son and is adorable. I miss her.

8- one of my friends from the school that everyone thinks is underground and a former roommate. She’s a fighter who lets her emotions be her guiding force. She also doesn’t take crap from anyone.

The Hawaiian- my best guy friend from the school that everyone thinks is underground. He is a laugh a minute and 60 miles an hour. It’s thanks to him that I’m weird. Just kidding. I’m normal next to him.

Albuquerque- one of my best guy friends from D-Town. He’s married and the father to two adorable dogs. He’s one of those people I didn’t get close to until after he moved away from D-Town. He’s super awesome though, and I wish I had the money to go visit him and meet his beautiful wife.

Bombshell Not Required- one of my suitemates from my freshman year in college. Also transferred colleges and misses our first college. She is a sweetheart who is a bit irrational at times, but it works for her.

AirSoft- he lived across the hall from my suite freshman year. We’ve had some weird times, but he is a really good friend.

Tech Support- lived two floors directly above me freshman year. Convinced people his name was Raul and he was giving people soccer lessons right after we all moved in.

The Only Chem-E Left- hilarious guy who had barbecues and parties at his place all the time while I lived in the land that is not silver. He also has a heart of gold.

Dorothy’s Neighbor- lived in The Only Chem-E Left’s suite freshman year (first floor of my building). Crazy kid, but his heart was always in the right place. Should never grow a creeperstache again.

LHW- literally my left hand woman. She is one of my downstairs roommates, and we’ve known each other since senior year of high school. We’ve been through some crazy times together and are connected through the Kiwanis family. I love this girl, no matter how crazy she is.

The Father- my coworker who also happened to be good friends with one of my past roommates, and now he’s good friends with both of us. He’s going to be the father of my triplets, but it’s okay cuz he’s gay.

Shoes Lover- one of my coworkers who is really sweet but has a shopping addiction.

Our Adult- my coworker who is full of sagely advice.

Schedulemeister- former overseer of all scheduling duties at work.

CatWoman- one of my past roommates. Mom to Little One (a kitten) and friends with The Father.

Java Junkie- one of my roommates. We went to high school together and both have that same shared hatred of D-town. So precious.

CatManDew- my newest roommate. He is father to Flower Girl, who is a rather annoying kitten. He is pretty chill and is a very responsible person.

The Girl Who Calls Me Unibronyguin- crazy girl who I usually hang out with during Free Pie Wednesday at Village Inn.

Lion- that is all. That is the only description you need for him.

Little One- my old roommate’s kitten. She is the devil.

Flower Girl- my roommate’s kitten. Her hobbies include climbing people, eating Citrus cat’s food, and randomly snuggling and being cute.

Dishonorable Mentions:

SOB- my douchebag ex-boyfriend who sexually assaulted me. He still thinks we have a chance at friendship. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuull.


My hometown/D-town: It’s this small little place that sits next to a plateau and a mesa and some mountains filled with about 9,000-10,000 people. It’s mostly full of conservative Republicans and the occasional liberal. The only reason I still have ties to the town are because of my family, my dog, and one of my cats.

Junktown: It’s where I currently reside. It’s about 45-60 minutes north of D-Town and it’s full of even more backwards people. It’s like a college town, but it’s really not. There are good things about the town, like my favorite coffee shop and deli place and Qdoba and Noodles and Company and the abundance of froyo shops. There are bad things about town, like the backwards people here problem, the drug problem, the homeless problem, the people I don’t want to associate with living here problem, the suicide, divorce, and kidnapping statistics problem, and so much more. As a kid, trips here were amazing cuz this is the biggest city close to D-town, but as I aged its draw on me faded.

The Land That is Not Silver: It’s my second home. I lived there for about 18 months while I was attending my first college. I love it so much. It’s close to the Big City, but it has a small town feel and very little crime. It also happens to contain some super amazing people. Sometimes I’d give anything to be there, but I had to get out of there for my sanity’s sake.

Big City: It’s kind of self-explanatory. It’s the biggest city in my state, and it’s where I originally planned on living right out of college.

Second Big City: It is the second biggest city in my state, and it contains Fellow Brony, some family members, and CatWoman. About an hour to an hour and a half drive south of Big City. I’m applying for jobs there and hope that the apartment I found and like will end up being mine. If all goes right, I will be living there by June 1st.

The School That Everyone Thinks is Underground: This is my first and favorite college. It’s full of nerds, and it’s full of people I love dearly. The atmosphere is one where everyone wants to learn, and Friday nights consisted of happy times together. I went there for three semesters and a summer session. I couldn’t find the right major or keep my anxiety in check while there, so I had no choice in my head but to move suddenly and transfer to…

The School of Supposedly Unique Abbreviations: I attended the sister campus 30 minutes south of D-Town and lived at home for my first semester there. Then I moved to Junktown in Summer 2012, and have attended the main campus for nearly a year and a half. I’m majoring in psychology here and am on track to graduate in May 2014.

The Psychiatric Hospital: I spent a week there during the summer of 2007 when I was 15. I talk about it the most around July.

Work: Victoria’s Secret. I’ve worked there since the end of May 2012.

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